Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So, last year I bought birthday pencils, made copies of the following onto colored card stock and attached them to the pencil for the kids. (I'll have to post what it looks like later when I go back into my classroom.) You can get the download of this file here.

But for this year, I will also be adding these goodies I found at the dollar aisle at Target. ( I love Target.) I bought one for my daughter and she LOVED it. So, I thought my first graders would like them as well. I mean who wouldn't? A coloring book, stickers, crayons/markers AND it's a favorite character?!?! And, it's good for me because it was only $1! LOVE! I bought 4 designs (there were some Cars packets too but they didn't have it at the first Target that I went to. I was tempted to buy them but I had already bought a whole bunch.) I'm planning on giving the kids a choice amongst the 4 designs. For my summer babies, we will have to celebrate their half birthdays. I have a summer birthday too so I know how it feels to not be able to bring in treats or celebrate it with the class.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the dollar spot at Target! Your kiddos will love this! Come check out what I posted about birthday bubbles I found at Target. =)

    I am a recent new follower to your adorable blog. I would love for you to become a follower at my blog. =)

    Heather's Heart
