Monday, September 26, 2011

:) Blogland

Since I teach Open Court, I always feel that my posts are "boring" compared to all the fun and exciting blogs out in blogland. I wish I had more time to do what I really want instead of filling up the days with Open Court and enVision. That's why I haven't really posted much about what I do in the classroom. It just doesn't seem as interesting. I try my best to make Open Court fun for my firsties, but for those of you who teaches Open Court, it's pretty scripted and not much you can do.

So I was very excited when Victoria from The wise and witty teacher awarded my little blog as a versatile blogger. :) If you haven't checked her out, go on over and see all that she does.
I love blogland. There are so many great ideas and inspiration to help me become a better teacher.

So thanks Victoria! You've just motivated me to blog more about what I'm doing. Even if it may seem boring to me, I can still share the little things I do to try and make Open Court interesting.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lesson Plans

It seems like everyone's been sharing their Lesson Plan templates so I thought I'd share mine too. I used a similar template for the past two years, but have been motivated by all the new templates I've seen online to change mine up this year.

I am liking the format very much. I like the extra spot to write in any meetings, assemblies, etc. that may happen after I type up my lesson plans. I'm also really loving the yard duty times on top of my lesson plans. This way I can just circle which one I have for the week instead of typing it in each week. Why didn't I do this before? I also included a blurb about where materials for the week & teacher's manuals should be at and what to write as may dos and must dos for workshop time. (BTW: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these boxes I talked about here. I love that all the paperwork I need for the week are organized by days and it's all ready for me.)
Just click on the image below to download my lesson plan template. If you want the word version, just email me.
Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homework Binders

My fabulous team created this homework binder for our first graders to use. The kids bring it home each night and return it to school the next day. They need to bring it home because they need to get their parents to initial their behavior chart that I discussed about here. The students also have to take their decodable books home, read it to their parents, get their parents to sign the book and return to school the next day. There's a spot for that book in their binder as well.

So, when you open the binder we have a sheet in English and Spanish which explains what our binder is and the reason for it.
Next, comes a "key" for the behavior chart and a behavior chart so the parents can see how their child is doing in the classroom each day.
The next page is the pocket for the decodable.
Then a list of our sight words, some addition/subtraction facts, a 100s chart, a sheet to teach how to form letters, we also have a folder that the school bought where we put into the binder. (I don't have a picture of that.) This folder is where we send home notes, completed assignments, etc.
Lastly, in the back pocket we have an explanation about homework and it's importance. That's the pocket where we send home our weekly homework in also.

We love this and it helps the students stay organized. Well, as organized as 1st graders can be. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Review Weeks Reading Logs

Here are the translated review weeks reading logs as promised! Happy Monday Everyone!
Click on the image to download.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Here are my verb worksheets to go with Amy Lemon's nouns worksheets. I loved her nouns worksheets because it was simple and cute!
Click on the image to download.

I made these worksheets pretty simple because my first graders will be doing them also. I also plan on playing Simon says as a part of the verbs lesson to emphasize that a verb is an action word.

I hope you all have a good week!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Teaching Blog Expo

How exciting is this! Join TBA in their first Teaching Blog Expo! Click on the image to go directly to the site.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Updated Reading Logs

I know. Two posts in one day is a no, no. BUT I had to. I just got the translated version today from our Bilingual Paraprofessional so I went and added the Spanish translation to all my old reading logs. I just had to share. Click on the image to download. I don't have the review week translated yet. I'll post that as soon as I get it.

Update classroom photos and randomness...

My polka dot trimmers finally came and I was able to replace all the old trimmers in my room. Slowly but surely my room is coming along. I just need to change the purple papers here, to black so that it'll kind of go with a polka dot/black and white/bits of color scheme! :)
Having to prep for a 1/2 combination class has kept me busy. Otherwise all of the room decorations would have been completed already. I really want to tear down my bulletin boards and make it turquoise like my boggle board here. But that will have to wait until things calm down at work.
I'm getting ready to create some verb worksheets to go with Amy Lemons nouns worksheets. So look for those soon.

I also moved my birthday chart down because I wanted the kids to be able to see the photos. I enjoy hearing them talk about their birthdays and when it's coming up. :)
After reading about the writing Cara at the first grade parade's doing, I knew I just had to do it too. We did our heart maps today and here's my version to show the kids.
Here are some examples from my kids. They did a really great job.:)
And here's the download of the heart map I made for my kids to use.

Lastly, I love having my kiddos draw self portraits. They just make the classroom a little happier. Here they are on my cupboards.
Have a great weekend!